How to Quickly Assess Your Client’s Communication Style

Have you ever felt like you and a prospect were speaking different languages? Or maybe you were from different planets all together?

Would you like to improve your ability to connect with new clients?

It may be as easy as recognizing the four types of communication styles.

Each of us has a unique style of communication. Our communication style is a reflection of what is important to us personally. Our communication style will dictate what we focus on when interacting with others.

When our communication style matches up with the person we are talking with, the conversation can flow quite nicely. But some communication styles simply don’t match.

Don’t let your style get in the way of an effective sales call. Use the following guide to get clear on your style and the quickest way to assess others.

There are many different models out there on personality and communication styles, but I have found this one very easy to understand.

As a quick reference, you can quickly assess someone’s communication style based on two criteria:

  1. Are they task oriented or people/relationship oriented?
  2. Do make statements (tell-oriented) or ask questions (ask-oriented)?


600px-Dimensions_of_Communication_Styles-1If you haven’t already, assess your own communication style. Next time you meet someone, try to understand how they fit into this framework.

Don’t wait until your next sales call. Practice by applying this model to your friends and family. Chances are you will most easily communicate with people who are similar or adjacent to your communication style.

For example, if you are an Expressive, you will find it pretty easy to connect with Expressives, Drivers, and Amiables. But, if you run across an Analytical, you might find yourself struggling to connect.

Why? Because you aren’t focused on the same criteria.

As an Expressive you are assertive and people oriented, while the Analytical is asking careful questions to collect data and explore the best solution for the task at hand. While you are trying to innovate a creative new solution, they are analyzing the facts, trying to come to a logical conclusion.

If you don’t adjust your style, chances are, you will never come to the same conclusion. In sales, this means you lost an opportunity.

While you can’t, nor should you, change your style, you can make adjustments to better communicate with your prospective clients.

I’ll give you a quick rundown of things to keep in mind when working with each type:

  • Driver – They are results oriented and want to move fast. Talk about results and allow them the opportunity to make a quick decision.
  • Expressive – Very intuitive and creative, they like to be acknowledged. They do not want to get bogged down in complexity and want to stay true to a greater vision.
  • Analytical – Task and process oriented. Facts and precision matter. They would rather work alone and can be very slow in making decisions.
  • Amiable – Very people oriented who would prefer to avoid any conflict. Also slow to make decisions, because they prefer to keep things safe and secure.

With a clear understanding of your communication style and the ability to quickly assess others, you can make the most out of every new sales opportunity.

If you would like to learn how successful coaches and consultants convert prospects into clients with 12 critical questions, click here to download my free cheat sheet! 


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