Modular Marketing System™

Customized Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Modular Marketing Solutions are designed to connect your company with the right customer, at the right moment, with the right message. 

Every business is unique, facing distinct challenges and opportunities. Implementing a winning marketing strategy requires patience, experimentation, and a deep understanding of your market dynamics.

That’s why we’ve developed a flexible three-stage approach tailored to your specific needs. Like constructing a house, we start with a solid foundation, building each phase meticulously. This phased approach allows us to refine and optimize tactics based on data and results.

By focusing on each stage individually – from targeted lead generation to broad-reaching content creation – we ensure every aspect of your marketing strategy receives the attention it deserves, setting the stage for sustainable growth and success.

Stage One: Precision-Targeted Lead Generation

Your journey with us begins with a laser-focused approach. Utilizing Google Ads, we precisely target customers most likely to engage with your products. Our custom Lead Generation campaign is meticulously crafted to maximize your return on investment in paid search, ensuring a robust start to your sales pipeline.

Up to 90% of users who visit your site, may never return again. So collecting leads and nurturing these leads the first time they visit your website will make a huge impact on your return on ad spend.

Stage Two: Expansion and Retargeting

In this phase, we expand your reach, targeting a broader audience while implementing sophisticated cross-platform retargeting strategies. Leveraging Meta, LinkedIn or other social media platforms that are appropriate for your target market, we connect with your next customers wherever they are spending additional time consuming content or making connections.

This stage is crucial for nurturing additional leads and enhancing sales, making sure every potential customer is effectively engaged..

Stage Three: SEO Optimized Industry Leading Content

We then harness the power of the conversion data we’ve accumulated, utilizing our advanced Topic Cluster Software. This stage is where we elevate your content marketing strategy, creating SEO-optimized content that positions your company as an industry leader, boosting both your organic search results and social media engagement. .

At any given moment, about 3% of your target market is ready to make a purchase. This presents and enormous opportunity to target the 97% who are not yet searching for your products and services. With industry leading content, you can build a relationship with future customers, before they begin searching for you products.

Continuous Growth with Modular Add-Ons

After completing all three stages, our commitment to your growth continues. We offer up to two Modular Marketing Add-Ons for your business at no additional cost, ensuring your marketing strategy remains dynamic and cutting-edge. .

Based on your unique business needs, we can help you better integrate your sales and marketing data, improve engagement with ongoing email marketing or tune up your current email strategies to prevent your emails from landing in the spam or promotions folder. 

Flexibility at Every Stage

While many our clients choose to implement all 3 stages of our Modular Marketing Solutions, others pause at Stage One or Two.  Whatever your business requires, we got you covered. We provide the flexibility to integrate Modular Marketing Add-Ons upon completion of your final stage. This allows us to customize your marketing services according to your business’s specific needs.




Online Advertising

Google Ads

Search, Display & Retargeting

Marketing Milestone Tracking

First Party Tracking & Reporting

Meta Ads

One Additional Paid Channel

Lead Generation

Lead Magnet Ideation

Landing Page Design

CRM Integration

Email Campaign Follow Up

Conversion Optimization

Content Marketing &
Search Engine Optimization

SEO Market Analysis

Topic Cluster Mapping and Software

2 Monthly SEO Optimized Blogs with Graphic Design

Social Media Posting on Up to 2 Platforms

Social Media Engagement Consulting

Onsite SEO Consulting

Ongoing Optimization

Monthly Reporting
Addons Included
90 Day Onboarding Calls
Monthly Strategy Call
Quarterly Strategy Call
Implementation & Optimization Timeline

Months 1 to 3

Months 4 to 6

Months 7+

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Modular Marketing Add-Ons

Stage 3 clients receive two add-on options at no additional charge. Stage 2 clients receive one add-on option at no charge. These complimentary services provided for the length our relationship. All clients may purchase additional add-on services.

Newsletter Email Marketing

  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Monthly Promotional Email
  • Design, Graphics and Copywriting
  • Ongoing Optimization

Evergreen Nurture Email Marketing

  • Campaign Plan for Up to 2 Target Markets
  • 3x Monthly Emails per Target Market
  • List Segmentation and Campaign Management
  • Ongoing Optimization

Email Reputation Management

  • DKIM, SPF and DMARC Set Up
  • Domain Reputation Monitoring
  • Email Deliverability Consulting

Sales Pipeline + CRM Integration

  • Sales Pipeline Design & Implementation
  • Integration of Sales and Marketing Software
  • Automation Consulting

Modular Marketing One Time Add-Ons

The services below are available for purchase for all current clients.

Customer Review Program

  • 2 Step Review Process
  • Increase 5 Star Google Business Reviews
  • Leverage Reviews via Your Website and Email Marketing

Affiliate and Partner Marketing

  • Generate More Sales from Your Best Customers
  • Integrate Affiliate Marketing into Your Website
  • Leverage Coupon Codes for Select Partners

Sales Collateral Package

  • Sales Brochure
  • Trade Show Banner Design x 3
  • Case Studies x 2

Video Package

  • Video Storyboards for Your Company and Products
  • Onsite Video Shoot (1 Day)
  • Post Production of up to 10 Videos

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