
We would like to learn more about you and your business. .

To help us get started, we would like access to your online marketing assets as quickly as possible.

To grant us access, please follow the steps in this document right away. The sooner we get access, the sooner we can dive into your systems and complete our assessments.

Click here to grant us access to your marketing assets. 

Once this is complete, please move on to the following Discovery Surveys.

No one knows your business and your ideal clients as well as you do! Well, at least until you complete these three surveys.

Our goal is to deeply understand your business, your market and clients. . .  These surveys are designed to give us everything we need to begin a comprehensive assessment of your sales and marketing opportunities.

Based on your feedback, we can tap a number of resources to learn more about your industry, your ideal client and the market for your unique products and services.

You may not have an answer to every question in these three surveys. . . and that’s ok.

However, we do ask that you are as thorough as possible when answering each question. Even your best guess or intuitive response is extremely valuable to our team. We will build on this information with ongoing research and testing.

Please note that some of our questions appear in more than one survey. This is intentional as some of our clients have different team members complete different surveys.

Business Discovery Questionnaire – This survey will help us gain a basic overview of your business. It will give us a sense of your objectives, opportunities and challenges. The questionnaire will help us understand what you sell, how you sell it and how you manage your business.

If you don’t know certain info or simply aren’t tracking it, don’t worry. Our goal is to create a complete strategy to meet all sales and marketing needs. The more you can tell us about what you are and are not doing, the better!

Ideal Customer Discovery Questionnaire – You may have more than one ideal client for your business, but we want to take things “one at a time”. So please complete this survey with a single ideal customer in mind. The better you can describe this customer, the more detail you can provide, the more we can do to determine how to most effectively market to them.

We can always expand our work to include other ideal clients, but it is best to start with one! Sometimes it is helpful to think of your best customer and build the profile with this person in mind!

Sales Discovery Questionnaire – This questionnaire will help us understand your current sales team. Your organization, the compensation, their performance.

Sales and Marketing are critically connected, so the more we know about your sales team, the better!

Last, but not least, you can use this document as a guide to grant us admin access to your marketing platforms. If you don’t have these set up, we can review that during our next call.

Next Steps. . .  Once you have completed these three surveys, we will set a time to review with you. . .