Delegating Is Liberating!

Here’s How to Know When to Free Yourself from a Tiresome Task

Look, we all know it’s hard. You started the company. You know your products, services, clients and systems better than anyone. . . It’s hard to let go of the reins and trust someone other than yourself on an important issue. And it takes time to show somebody else how to do it right.

But if you never seek help, if you avoid empowering anyone else on your team, eventually, you’ll find yourself being pulled under by all the day-to-day issues your business faces. And you’ll no longer be able to focus on what inspired you to go into business in the first place.

That’s why delegating is essential for any business leader.

But how do you know when it’s a good idea to hand off? Here are five questions you can ask yourself about any given task.

  1. Is there someone else on your team who can complete it? (Even if they might not do it as perfectly as you the first time?)
  2. Are you really the best person for it? (Especially if it’s something that comes up again and again?)
  3. Could someone on your team benefit from the opportunity to grow by taking it on?
  4. Is it something you keep getting pulled away to do?
  5. Could you outsource the task? (If you don’t have someone on your team who could do it.)

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be a great opportunity to delegate.

If you pick the right person, you might just find that they’re more interested, better equipped and even more motivated to tackle the task than you are.

Just as important, you won’t have to do it anymore. Instead, you’ll be free to get back to the work you really love.

Now get out there, and make somebody else do something!


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